Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to a significant increase in the use of AI technologies. Many experts are researching and developing AI technologies in their respective fields, often submitting papers and patent applications as a result. In particular, owing to the characteristics of the patent system that is used to protect the exclusive rights to registered technology, patent documents contain detailed information on the developed technology. Therefore, in this study, we propose a statistical method for analyzing patent data on AI technology to improve our understanding of sustainable technology in the field of AI. We collect patent documents that are related to AI technology, and then analyze the patent data to identify sustainable AI technology. In our analysis, we develop a statistical method that combines social network analysis and Bayesian modeling. Based on the results of the proposed method, we provide a technological structure that can be applied to understand the sustainability of AI technology. To show how the proposed method can be applied to a practical problem, we apply the technological structure to a case study in order to analyze sustainable AI technology.
Sunghae Jun,et al.
A Network Analysis Model for Selecting Sustainable Technology
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A Novel Forecasting Methodology for Sustainable Management of Defense Technology
Carter T. Butts,et al.
Social Network Analysis with sna
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Graphical causal inference and copula regression model for apple keywords by text mining
Adv. Eng. Informatics.
Sunghae Jun,et al.
Examining technological innovation of Apple using patent analysis
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Sunghae Jun,et al.
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Sunghae Jun,et al.
A Patent Analysis for Sustainable Technology Management