Physical model reproduction from ct scans classified according to gender, ethnicity, and age - biomed 2009.

Eye trauma is an increasing problem, especially in the military, due to blunt force trauma. One way to mitigate eye injury is to wear protective eye equipment. An essential part of creating protective eye equipment is prototype testing in controlled eye trauma simulations. In addition, the protective equipment must fit properly and thus incorporate variance, specifically among gender, ethnicity, and age. It is beneficial to create standard orbits classified according to the aforementioned categories of gender, ethnicity, and age. Using head CT scans from grossly normal subjects, segmentation of the ocular orbit was performed. This segmented mask was then imported into a three dimensional printing software. Orbits from different sizes, ages, genders, and races were created and printed using a ZCorp printer. A mold negative was then created from the 3D printed orbits using InstaMold. After the mold was cured and removed from the printed orbit, reproductions of the eye orbit were created from this negative. These methods will be used in the future to make molds for many different ages, genders, and races in order to create accurate models of the eye orbit. These can then be used to develop impact tests by incorporating eye samples into these sockets of uniform shape. These methods for creating surrogate eye sockets will reduce the need for cadaver eye sockets and will increase the number of tests that can be performed. By creating accurate models, more accurate representations of eye trauma and its prevention can be investigated.