자동차보험 차량모델별 등급평가를 위한 RCAR 범퍼시험 연구

The RCAR structural test(15 km/h, 40 % offset test) is implemented to assess a vehicles’s damageability and repairability. Korea and several countries have adopted this structural test for automobile insurance group rating. In addition to the test, RCAR has developed a lower speed(10 & 5 km/h) bumper test to assess how well a vehicle’s bumper system protects the vehicle from damage in real world traffic accident situations. UK and Germany have adopted this test for automobile insurance group rating. In this study, bumper tests including geometric assessment and dynamic test have been conducted in order to recognize the need of applying the bumper test into the automobile insurance group rating system apart from the structural test. Vehicle damage and repair costs are analyzed and compared with the test results. Moreover, the correlation of the repair costs with the repair costs of structural tests and Automobile insurance data are analyzed.