Multifunction SAG process for high-yield, low-cost GaAs microwave integrated circuits

A new fully planar, multifunction refractory self-aligned gate (MSAG) technology suitable for the fabrication of GaAs small-signal and power microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMICs) is demonstrated in a manufacturing environment. Data on the distribution of DC and RF performance and yield for pilot production of discrete FETs and MMICs are presented. The heart of the MSAG process is a planar, self-aligned gate FET. It uses a refractory TiWN Schottky gate and exhibits high performance for small-signal microwave, power microwave, and digital circuit applications. Lots with good wafer yields have demonstrated average chip yields on PCM good wafers of 45%, 49%, and 36% for 2-10-GHz distributed amplifiers, 1-W C-band power amplifiers, and 4-W power amplifiers, respectively. >