Force XXI Training Program-Digital Project: Report on Development and Lessons Learned

Abstract : This report discusses tile Army's initial research into converting Force 21 Training Program (FXXITP) products to meet the increasingly pressing training needs of digital battle staffs. The report describes tile activities and outcomes of tile U.S. Research Institute for tile Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) Force 21 Training Program Digital (FXXITP-D) project. The project developed an approach that supports tile conversion of existing training products in order to meet new training needs. During tile project, the conversion approach was employed to research and enact conventional to digital conversions of selected FXXITP products, including tile Battle Staff Training System (BSTS) and Combined Arms Operations at Brigade Level, Realistically Achieved Through Simulation (COBRAS) vignettes, Brigade Staff Exercise (BSE), and Brigade and Battalion Staff Exercise (BBSE). In addition to tile conversion approach and prototype digital training products, tile project identified a number of lessons for tile continuing development of digital training and the digital force.