"Abeans" [1] (wide-interface accelerator Java beans developed at JSI) have in the past been used with great success in control applications at ANKA and ESO and on test cases at the SLS and Riken. At DESY, “TINE” [2] is used as the principal control system for HERA as well as the intercommunication protocol among the HERA experiments. To date, most TINE-based clientside applications have been written using ACOP [3] (a narrow-interface accelerator component) in Visual Basic (VB), which has provided a remarkably powerful developing environment for generating professional control applications. Currently, however, VB control applications can only run on Windows-based desktop machines and consoles. As it is often desirable to provide certain control applications on non-Windows platforms (or indeed over the Web), we have created an equally powerful developing environment based on Java and the next release of Abeans, where an ACOPlike narrow-interface bean has been developed. Like ACOP, the Abean itself accepts plugs from various communication protocols, but was brought to fruition at DESY using the TINE Java class. Details concerning matching Abeans and TINE, as well as the pros and cons of “wide” versus “narrow” interfaces will be presented below. Several applications will also presented along with the results of benchmarking against similar VB applications.