Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
V. G. Acosta | Mariangel Alejandra | Virginia García Acosta | Directora General | María Isabel | Campos Goenaga | María Alejandra | Meyenberg Leysegui | Rufino Serrano Sierra | M. Isabel. | Directora General | Campos Goenaga | Meyenberg Leysegui
[1] Fritz Schütze,et al. "Trajectory" as a basic theoretical concept for analyzing suffering and disorderly social processes , 1991 .
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[27] Paul Farmer,et al. An Anthropology of Structural Violence , 2004 .
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[36] A. B. Solís. El género de los cuidadores en la atención del dolor crónico , 2011 .
[37] Eva Schultze-Berndt,et al. Issues in the syntax and semantics of participant-oriented adjuncts: an introduction. , 2005 .
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