COPERT Australia: Developing Improved Average Speed Vehicle Emission Algorithms for the Australian Fleet

This paper discusses the methods and data used for the development of average speed emission algorithms for a dedicated COPERT model for Australia. These algorithms are based on a verified modal emissions database for 766 Australian vehicles, and it uses a vehicle manoeuvre based approach to create 100 m driving segments as input for statistical modelling. Comparison of COPERT 4 with COPERT Australia 1 shows that differences in predictions with the hot running average speed algorithms are not systematic and vary from large to insignificant, depending on the pollutant and vehicle class. As a consequence, the direction and magnitude of the difference in predicted network emission between the two models will be a function of 1) location and base year (i.e. local fleet composition), as well as 2) traffic activity and performance (traffic volumes, congestion levels, etc.). These results confirm the need for an Australian model. The COPERT Australia 1 model will account for the differences in Australian fleet characteristics, fuel composition, driving behaviour and local conditions, as compared with Europe.