Non-contact profiling for high precision fast asphere topology measurement

Quality control in the fabrication of high precision optics these days needs nanometer accuracy. However, the fast growing number of optics with complex aspheric shapes demands an adapted measurement method as existing metrology systems more and more reach their limits. In this contribution the authors present a unique and highly flexible approach for measuring spheric and aspheric optics with diameters from 2mm up to 420mm and with almost unlimited spheric departures. Based on a scanning point interferometer the system combines the high precision and the speed of an optical interferometer with the high form flexibility of a classical tactile scanning system. This enables the measurement of objects with steep or strongly changing slopes such as “pancake” or “gull wing” objects. The high accuracy of ±50nm over the whole surface is achieved by using a full reference concept ensuring the position control even over long scanning paths. The core of the technology is a multiwavelength interferometer (MWLI); by use of several wavelengths this sensor system allows for the measurement of objects with polished as well as with ground surfaces. Furthermore, a large absolute measurement range facilitates measuring surfaces with steps or discontinuities like diffractive structures or even segmented objects. As all the measurements can be done using one and the same system, a direct comparison is possible during production and after finishing an object. The contribution gives an insight into the functionality of the MWLI-sensor as well as into the concept of the reference system of the scanning metrology system. Furthermore, samples of application are discussed.