A report on the 1999 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training

The 12th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T '99), held immediately before SIGCSE '99 in New Orleans, continued a tradition of offering direction, promoting innovation and collaboration, and stimulating new instructional approaches to software engineering education and training. CSEE&T is the only conference devoted entirely to the improvement of software engineering education and training.CSEE&T '99 focused on a different theme each day:• Professional Issues• Training Curricula and Distance Education• Undergraduate and Graduate CurriculaCSEE&T '99 also included several half-day workshops designed to provide a forum participants to exchange opinions on topics on software engineering research and practice, and related education and training issues.This panel will report on the activities of CSEE&T '99 for the benefit of those at SIGCSE that could not attend both conferences. Some of the issues related to CSEE&T '99 that will be addressed by the panelists:• Current trends in software engineering education that were presented;• The status of the development of software engineering as a discipline, especially with regard to curriculum models, accreditation, and licensing, and how that may affect computer science programs;• Good pedagogical techniques/tools/projects that were identified;• Areas of controversy concerning software engineering that were addressed;• Areas that were discussed where software engineering education needs improvement; and• Reasons why it would be beneficial for SIGCSE attendees to also attend CSEE&T in future years.CSEE&T was first held in 1987, and was then called the Conference on Software Engineering Education. It has been held annually since that time, except for a one-year skip in 1993. Until 1992, the conference was located in Pittsburgh, and is now held in various parts of the United States. In 1997, the name of the conference was changed to the Conference on Software Education and Training, to reflect the growing interest in training and industry/university collaboration issues at the conference.CSEE&T was originally sponsored by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University. In 1996, SEI and the IEEE Computer Society jointly sponsored the conference, with IEEE-CS taking over complete sponsorship in 1997. The conference is still partially supported by the SEI, and is held in cooperation with ACM SIGCSE. (The conference has been held in the same city immediately before the SIGCSE Symposium on Computer Science Education since 1998.) When under SEI sponsorship, the conference chairs and most of the program committee were associated with the institute, while the organizers of the conference are now drawn from the entire software engineering education and training community. The Conference Proceedings were originally published by Springer-Verlag, and since 1996 by IEEE-CS.