The use of audiovisual aids in the relocation program.
The report presents the findings of a study of an audiovisual slide presentation on the rights and benefits of persons relocated as a result of highway construction. The overall purpose of the study was to evaluate the audiovisual system used by the Bureau of Relocation of the Maryland State Highway Commission for eventual use by the Right-of-Way Division of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation. The Maryland audiovisual system consisting of three sets of slides and accompanying taped narrations one each for tenant displacees, owner displaces and business displacees was adapted to fit Department needs through editing and experiments with a variety of colors and type faces for the projected slides used. A professional narrator provided the sound track. Two formats, the 16 mm continuous loop and 35 mm slides, were evaluated. The 35 mm format was chosen for the presentation. Three projectors having the capacity to present a synchronized slide-tape rendition were purchased and the presentations and equipment were sent to the field. The presentations were given in three types of field situations: 1) informational relocation trailers, 2) pre-hearing public meetings, and 3) the eight highway district offices. It was found that the use of the presentations in the informational trailers met with enthusiastic approval from right-of-way agents manning them. The consensus of the agents was that while the programs would not replace person-to-person explanations to displacees they could certainly be used to enhance and illustrate the explanations, and should be placed in informational trailers on a regular basis. The presentations were also viewed by both the agents and the public as being quite useful at pre-hearing public meetings. Forty-two agents responded to a questionnaire asking for an evaluation of the equipment, slides and narrative. The majority said the presentations definitely enhance the Department's relocation procedures. The majority of agents felt that utilization of the presentations in displacees' homes would be limited because of the bulk of the projector. It is probable, however, that a more readily portable unit might change this opinion and that in-home use could become another quite feasible application for the slide-tape presentation.