High-level learning from demonstration with conceptual spaces and subspace clustering

Learning from demonstration (LfD) aims at robots learning skills from human-demonstrated tasks. Robots should be able to learn at all levels of abstraction. Unlike at the level of motor primitives, high-level LfD requires symbolic representations. It thus faces the classical problem of symbol grounding. Furthermore, it requires the robot to interpret human-demonstrated actions at a higher, conceptual abstraction level. We present a method, that enables a robot to recognize human-demonstrated pick-and-place task goals on an object-relational abstraction layer. The robot can reproduce the task goals in new situations using a symbolic planner. We show that in a robotic context conceptual spaces can serve as a mean for symbol grounding at an object-relational level as well as for the recognition of conceptual similarities in effects of human-demonstrated actions. The method is evaluated in experiments on a real robot.

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