Differential use of the signal recognition particle translocase targeting pathway for inner membrane protein assembly in Escherichia coli.

Assembly of several inner membrane proteins-leader peptidase (Lep), a Lep derivative (Lep-inv) that inserts with an inverted topology compared with the wild-type protein, the phage M13 procoat protein, and a procoat derivative (H1-procoat) with the hydrophobic core of the signal peptide replaced by a stretch from the first transmembrane segment in Lep-has been studied in vitro and in Escherichia coli strains that are conditional for the expression of either the 54 homologue (Ffh) or 4.5S RNA, which are the two components of the E. coli signal recognition particle (SRP), or SecE, an essential core component of the E. coli preprotein translocase. Membrane insertion has also been tested in a SecB null strain. Lep, Lep-inv, and H1-procoat require SRP for correct assembly into the inner membrane; in contrast, we find that wild-type procoat does not. Lep and, surprisingly, Lep-inv and H1-procoat fail to insert properly when SecE is depleted, whereas insertion of wild-type procoat is unaffected under these conditions. None of the proteins depend on SecB for assembly. These observations indicate that inner membrane proteins can assemble either by a mechanism in which SRP delivers the protein at the preprotein translocase or by what appears to be a direct integration into the lipid bilayer. The observed change in assembly mechanism when the hydrophobicity of the procoat signal peptide is increased demonstrates that the assembly of an inner membrane protein can be rerouted between different pathways.

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