Estimated Flying Qualities of the Martin Model 202 Airplane
The flying qualities of the Martin model 202 airplane have been estimated chiefly from the results of tests of an 0.0875-scale complete model with power made in the Wright Brothers tunnel at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and from partial span wing and isolated vertical tail tests made in the Georgia Tech Nine-Foot Tunnel. These estimated handling qualities have been compared with existing Army-Navy and CAA requirements for stability and control. The results of the analysis indicate that the Martin model 202 airplane will possess satisfactory handling qualities in all respects except possibly in the following: The amount of elevator control available for landing or maneuvering in the landing condition is either marginal or insufficient when using the adjustable stabilizer linked to the flaps . Moreover, indications are that the longitudinal trim changes will be neither large nor appreciably worse with a fixed stabilizer than with the contemplated arrangement utilizing the adjustable stabilizer in an attempt to reduce the magnitude of the trim changes caused by flap deflection.