Satellite data reception system at multimissin ground station

The data reception of earth observation satellites and small satellites as well as the processing, archiving and distribution of the received data are the main activities of the National Ground Segment in Neustrelitz. There are two 7.3m antennas available for data reception at Sand X-band frequencies and additionally one 4m antenna for Land S-Band. The ground station enables a daily and operational data reception of the missions ERS-2, LANDSAT-7, IRS-1C, IRS-1D, IRS-P3 and CHAMP. The data reception of the satellites ENVISAT, GRACE, BIRD and CORONAS-F will start in 2001. Therefore it was proceeded a continuous improvement of the station under aspects of automation, flexibility and redundancy. Quality information from all components is collected and stored during the satellite pass. The internal procedures are unified for all mission projects. A software system was realized for station control and management, which integrates the antennas and its RF components, all demodulators and bitsyncronizers and partly the data recording components in a unified system.