Analysis of relationship between water temperature and catch for Pacific bluefin tuna and longtail tuna off Futaoi Island (western Sea of Japan) using the Jarque-Bera test

The relationship between water temperature and number of two tuna species (Pacific bluefin tuna and longtail tuna) obtained by set-net fishery off Futaoi Island (western Sea of Japan) was examined using the Jarque-Bera test. In this study, the optimum water temperature ranges for catching the two species was 20-30°C for longtail tuna and 12-19°C for bluefin tuna. "Tennen kuromaguro (local Japanese name, natural bluefin tuna)" caught at 17.2°C were considered as Pacific bluefin tuna. "Yokowa" caught in the summer at a water temperature range of 20-30°C, which coincided with the optimum range for catching longtail tuna, were considered as longtail tuna. As temperatures in 2007 were higher than in normal years, longtail tuna were judged as being caught only in September (27.2°C) and October (24.1°C) during that year.