Sensitivity of Rutherford-Type Cables to Transverse Pressure

Fermilab is developing high field superconducting magnets for future accelerators based on strands. Testing the critical current of superconducting cables under compression is a means to appraise the performance of the produced magnet. However, these cable tests are expensive and labor-intensive. A fixture to assess the superconducting performance of a strand within a reacted and impregnated cable under pressure was designed and built at Fermilab. Several Rutherford-type cables were fabricated at Fermilab and at LBNL using multifila- mentary strands. The sensitivity of to transverse pressure was measured for a number of technologies (Modified Jelly Roll, Powder-in-Tube, Internal Tin, and Restack Rod Process). Results on the effect of a stainless steel core in the cable are also shown.