Dip-moveout by Fourier transform

Abstract Seismic reflection survey is primarily designed to determine subsurface geological structures from the data recorded at the surface. Processing of seismic data undergoes several digital processing and beam forming steps, first to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and then to construct the final digital image which is physically correct and geologically meaningful. Dip-moveout (prestack partial migration) is a processing step which corrects the dip filtering action of normal moveout (NMO) and stacking. Dip-moveout (DMO) eliminates the reflection point scattering associated with dipping reflectors by shifting the reflection event to its zero offset location. In recent years several dip-moveout methods have been discussed in literature. This paper presents a DMO program (FORTRAN) and its long write-up based on the “Dip-moveout by Fourier transform” by Hale [Geophysics 49 (1984) 741]. The program was tested with theoretical synthetic seismic data in which the expected DMO operator response was simulated.