Abstract The rigidity function R A (r) of a matrix A is the minimum number of entries of A that must be changed to reduce the rank of A to less than or equal to r . While almost all matrices have rigidity close to (n−r) 2 , proving strong lower bounds on the rigidity of explicit matrices is a fundamental open question with several consequences in complexity theory. A natural class of matrices expected to have high rigidity is that of Vandermonde matrices V=(x i j−1 ) 1⩽i, j⩽n . However, even when the x i are algebraically independent, it was not known if R V (r)= Ω (n 2 ) for nonconstant r . We prove that for any constant c , there exists a constant e>0 such that if r⩽e n , then R V (r)⩾cn 2 , when the x i are algebraically independent. Although not explicit, this provides a natural n -dimensional manifold in the space of n×n matrices with Ω (n 2 ) rigidity for nonconstant r . Our proof is based on a technique due to Shoup and Smolensky (Comput. Complexity 6(4) (1997) 301–311). For explicit Vandermonde matrices, the best-known lower bound is R V (r)= Ω (n 2 /r log (n/r)) , when log 2 n⩽r⩽n/2 , which follows from a result of Shokrollahi et al. (Inform. Process. Lett. 64(6) (1997) 283–285).
Satyanarayana V. Lokam.
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Spectral methods for matrix rigidity with applications to size-depth tradeoffs and communication complexity
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