A Microscopic Shell Structure with Schwarz’s D-Surface

Recently, materials with micro-architecture of hollow trusses and ultralow density (less than 10–2 Mg/m3) have gained attention. The materials have been fabricated by forming templates based on 3D lithographical techniques, followed by hard coating on the surface, and finally etching out the template. Here, we describe a novel fabrication method for another micro architecture composed of a single continuous smooth-curved shell with D-surface, named Shellular; its template is prepared based on weaving flexible polymer wires. Compression test results reveal that these D-surfaced Shellulars have strength and Young’s modulus comparable to those of their hollow truss-based competitors. The best virtue of this weaving-based technology is its mass-productivity and large-size potential. Also, this technology can be applied to fabricate not only D-surfaced but also P- or G-surfaced Shellular. The unique geometry of Shellular, composed of a single continuous, smooth, and interfacial shell or membrane separating two equivalent sub-volumes intertwined with each other, appears to possess huge application potential such as non-clogging tissue engineering scaffolds and compact light-weight fuel cells with high energy density.

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