Remote sensing and geographic database management systems applications for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage

The Getty Conservation Institute is exploring the feasibility of using remote sensing associated with a geographic database management system (GDBMS) in order to provide archaeological and historic site managers with sound evaluations of the tools available for site and information management. The World Heritage Site of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, a complex of archeological sites dating to the 10th to the 13th centuries AD, was selected as a test site. Information from excavations conducted there since the 1930s, and a range of documentation generated by the National Park Service was gathered. NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center contributed multispectral data of the area, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory contributed data from ATLAS (airborne terrestrial applications sensor) and CAMS (calibrated airborne multispectral scanner) scanners. Initial findings show that while 'automatic monitoring systems' will probably never be a reality, with careful comparisons of historic and modern photographs, and performing digital analysis of remotely sensed data, excellent results are possible.