Drosophila Homeobox Genes

Publisher Summary This chapter describes what is known about the published members of the Drosophila homeobox family and the properties of some of the new family members. William Bateson originally coined the term homeosis to describe pattern defects in segmented animals in which a structure from one segment was replaced by a different structure, normally found in another. Bateson's term was later used to describe the homeotic mutations that were isolated in some of the early screens for heritable morphological defects in Drosophila . Homeobox sequences were originally recognized in three Drosophila homeotic and segmentation genes: (1) Antennapedia (Antp), ultrabithorax (Ubx), and fushi taruzu (Ftz). The highly conserved 60-amino acid regions that encode are called “homeodomains”. After the discovery of conserved motif, it quickly became apparent that many other Drosophila genes were members of the homeobox family, and a significant fraction of genes having homeobox sequences that were very similar to Antp and Ubx, also had functions in developmental patterning of embryos. The Drosophila homeobox gene family contains 55 published members, which are distributed throughout the genome, most mapping on the second and third chromosomes. Many homeobox genes map in clusters containing from two to nine members.

[1]  C. Kenyon,et al.  A cluster of Antennapedia-class homeobox genes in a nonsegmented animal. , 1991, Science.

[2]  E. Hafen,et al.  Reprogramming cell fate in the developing Drosophila retina: transformation of R7 cells by ectopic expression of rough. , 1990, Genes & development.

[3]  N. Satoh,et al.  Molecular cloning and expression of a novel homeobox gene AHox1 of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. , 1991, Development.

[4]  C. Nüsslein-Volhard,et al.  Autonomous determination of anterior structures in the early Drosophila embryo by the bicoid morphogen. , 1990, Development.

[5]  A. Fainsod,et al.  A chicken caudal homologue, CHox-cad, is expressed in the epiblast with posterior localization and in the early endodermal lineage. , 1991, Development.

[6]  W. McGinnis,et al.  A homeodomain substitution changes the regulatory specificity of the Deformed protein in drosophila embryos , 1989, Cell.

[7]  R. Brent,et al.  Gene activation and DNA binding by Drosophila Ubx and abd-A proteins , 1989, Cell.

[8]  P. O’Farrell,et al.  The Drosophila developmental gene, engrailed, encodes a sequence-specific DNA binding activity , 1985, Nature.

[9]  E. Lewis,et al.  The molecular genetics of the bithorax complex of Drosophila: characterization of the products of the Abdominal-B domain. , 1989, Genes & development.

[10]  F. Turner,et al.  Defects in embryogenesis in mutants associated with the antennapedia gene complex of Drosophila melanogaster. , 1984, Developmental biology.

[11]  M. Noll,et al.  Conservation of the paired domain in metazoans and its structure in three isolated human genes. , 1989, The EMBO journal.

[12]  P. O’Farrell,et al.  Development of embryonic pattern in D. melanogaster as revealed by accumulation of the nuclear engrailed protein , 1985, Cell.

[13]  M Bienz,et al.  Expression of Abdominal-B homeoproteins in Drosophila embryos. , 1990, Development.

[14]  W. McGinnis,et al.  An autoregulatory enhancer element of the Drosophila homeotic gene Deformed. , 1990, The EMBO journal.

[15]  N. Perrimon,et al.  The orthodenticle gene encodes a novel homeo domain protein involved in the development of the Drosophila nervous system and ocellar visual structures. , 1990, Genes & development.

[16]  C. S. Parker,et al.  dOct2, a Drosophila Oct transcription factor that functions in yeast. , 1992, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[17]  Susan J. Brown,et al.  A deficiency of the homeotic complex of the beetle Tribolium , 1991, Nature.

[18]  M. Gulisano,et al.  Nested expression domains of four homeobox genes in developing rostral brain , 1992, Nature.

[19]  W. J. Gehring,et al.  The structure of the Antennapedia homeodomain determined by NMR spectroscopy in solution: Comparison with prokaryotic repressors , 1989, Cell.

[20]  M. Frasch,et al.  A new Drosophila homeo box gene is expressed in mesodermal precursor cells of distinct muscles during embryogenesis. , 1990, Genes & development.

[21]  K. Wüthrich,et al.  Isolation and sequence‐specific DNA binding of the Antennapedia homeodomain. , 1988, The EMBO journal.

[22]  M. Biggin,et al.  Cooperative binding at a distance by even-skipped protein correlates with repression and suggests a mechanism of silencing , 1993, Molecular and cellular biology.

[23]  W. McGinnis,et al.  Ectopic expression from the Deformed gene triggers a dominant defect in Drosophila adult head development. , 1990, Developmental biology.

[24]  C. Nüsslein-Volhard,et al.  A gradient of bicoid protein in Drosophila embryos , 1988, Cell.

[25]  Gerald M. Rubin,et al.  The embryonic expression patterns of zfh-1 and zfh-2, two Drosophila genes encoding novel zinc-finger homeodomain proteins , 1991, Mechanisms of Development.

[26]  R. Brent,et al.  A genetic model for interaction of the homeodomain recognition helix with DNA. , 1991, Science.

[27]  Y. Jan,et al.  A new homeobox-containing gene, msh-2, is transiently expressed early during mesoderm formation of Drosophila. , 1990, Development.

[28]  A. Laughon,et al.  Sequence of a Drosophila segmentation gene: protein structure homology with DNA-binding proteins , 1984, Nature.

[29]  F. Karch,et al.  abdA expression in Drosophila embryos. , 1990, Genes & development.

[30]  K. Struhl,et al.  The gradient morphogen bicoid is a concentration-dependent transcriptional activator , 1989, Cell.

[31]  G. Damante,et al.  Several regions of Antennapedia and thyroid transcription factor 1 homeodomains contribute to DNA binding specificity. , 1991, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[32]  M. Ptashne,et al.  Cooperative binding of λ repressors to sites separated by integral turns of the DNA helix , 1986, Cell.

[33]  M. Scott,et al.  The structure and function of the homeodomain. , 1989, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

[34]  Bernard Jacq,et al.  The gene teashirt is required for the development of Drosophila embryonic trunk segments and encodes a protein with widely spaced zinc finger motifs , 1991, Cell.

[35]  S. Hake,et al.  The developmental gene Knotted-1 is a member of a maize homeobox gene family , 1991, Nature.

[36]  J. Rubenstein,et al.  Isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA clone encoding a homeodomain that is developmentally regulated in the ventral forebrain , 1991, Neuron.

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[38]  S. Carroll,et al.  The localization and regulation of Antennapedia protein expression in Drosophila embryos , 1986, Cell.

[39]  J. Sulston,et al.  Posterior pattern formation in C. elegans involves position-specific expression of a gene containing a homeobox , 1988, Cell.

[40]  Y. Jan,et al.  Transformation of sensory organ identity by ectopic expression of Cut in Drosophila. , 1991, Genes & development.

[41]  Norbert Perrimon,et al.  The orthodenticle gene is regulated by bicoid and torso and specifies Drosophila head development , 1990, Nature.

[42]  G. Rubin,et al.  rough, a Drosophila homeobox gene required in photoreceptors R2 and R5 for inductive interactions in the developing eye , 1988, Cell.

[43]  M. Noll,et al.  Structure of the segmentation gene paired and the Drosophila PRD gene set as part of a gene network , 1986, Cell.

[44]  M. Levine,et al.  Expression of the homeo box gene family in Drosophila. , 1985, Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology.

[45]  C. Fox,et al.  Cloning of a human homeobox gene that resembles a diverged Drosophila homeobox gene and is expressed in activated lymphocytes. , 1991, The New biologist.

[46]  G. Ruvkun,et al.  Nematode homeobox cluster , 1991, Nature.

[47]  P. Chambon,et al.  Disruption of the Hox-1.6 homeobox gene results in defects in a region corresponding to its rostral domain of expression , 1991, Cell.

[48]  M. Biggin,et al.  Coordinate action of a proximal homeoprotein binding site and a distal sequence confers the Ultrabithorax expression pattern in the visceral mesoderm. , 1989, The EMBO journal.

[49]  T. Kaufman,et al.  The proboscipedia locus of the Antennapedia complex: a molecular and genetic analysis. , 1988, Genes & development.

[50]  A. Schier,et al.  Analysis of the ftz upstream element: germ layer-specific enhancers are independently autoregulated. , 1990, Genes & development.

[51]  R. Krumlauf,et al.  A yeast artificial chromosome containing the mouse homeobox cluster Hox-2. , 1990, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[52]  Wolfgang Driever,et al.  Determination of spatial domains of zygotic gene expression in the Drosophila embryo by the affinity of binding sites for the bicoid morphogen , 1989, Nature.

[53]  E. Sánchez-Herrero,et al.  The Abdominal‐B gene of Drosophila melanogaster: overlapping transcripts exhibit two different spatial distributions , 1988, The EMBO journal.

[54]  P. Gruss,et al.  Pax 1, a member of a paired box homologous murine gene family, is expressed in segmented structures during development , 1988, Cell.

[55]  M. Levine,et al.  DNA-binding activities of the Drosophila melanogaster even-skipped protein are mediated by its homeo domain and influenced by protein context , 1988, Molecular and cellular biology.

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[58]  G. Gibson,et al.  Head and thoracic transformations caused by ectopic expression of Antennapedia during Drosophila development , 1988 .

[59]  C. Desplan,et al.  The paired box encodes a second DNA-binding domain in the paired homeo domain protein. , 1991, Genes & development.

[60]  E. Lewis,et al.  The abdominal region of the bithorax complex , 1985, Cell.

[61]  N. Perrimon,et al.  orthodenticle activity is required for the development of medial structures in the larval and adult epidermis of Drosophila. , 1992, Development.

[62]  M. Krasnow,et al.  An Ultrabithorax protein binds sequences near its own and the Antennapedia P1 promoters , 1988, Cell.

[63]  D. Duboule,et al.  A mouse gene related to Distal-less shows a restricted expression in the developing forebrain , 1991, Nature.

[64]  M. Horikoshi,et al.  Engrailed, a homeodomain protein, can repress in vitro transcription by competition with the TATA box-binding protein transcription factor IID. , 1990, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

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[67]  S. Poole,et al.  Isolation of a family of Drosophila POU domain genes expressed in early development , 1991, Mechanisms of Development.

[68]  A. Fainsod,et al.  CHox E, a chicken homeogene of the H2.0 type exhibits dorso-ventral restriction in the proliferating region of the spinal cord , 1991, Mechanisms of Development.

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[73]  E. Wieschaus,et al.  Mutations in the Drosophila gene extradenticle affect the way specific homeo domain proteins regulate segmental identity. , 1990, Genes & development.

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