Total artificial heart support with two continuous-flow ventricular assist devices in a patient with an infiltrating cardiac sarcoma.

Primary cardiac sarcoma is normally fatal, but cardiac replacement may provide some hope for long-term survival. A 38 year-old man with cardiac sarcoma, involving the interventricular septum and posterior wall with intermittent mitral obstruction, underwent implantation of two HeartMate II ventricular assist devices for total artificial heart support. After cardiectomy, the HeartMate sewing rings were sewn to the right neoatrium and the left atrial remnants. After the outflow grafts were sewn end to end to the pulmonary artery and aorta, the two drivelines were externalized through the abdominal wall, and perfusion started. The postoperative course was complicated by respiratory and renal dysfunction, which resolved. After 6 months of support, the patient has normal organ function and is ambulatory. Follow-up oncologic evaluation of positron emission tomography-computed tomography scan is negative.