Design and evaluation of a Twitter hashtag recommendation system

Twitter has evolved into a powerful communication and information sharing tool used by millions of people around the world to post what is happening now. A hashtag, a keyword prefixed with a hash symbol (#), is a feature in Twitter to organize tweets and facilitate effective search among a massive volume of data. In this paper, we propose an automatic hashtag recommendation system that helps users find new hashtags related to their interests. We propose the Hashtag Frequency-Inverse Hashtag Ubiquity (HF-IHU) ranking scheme, which is a variation of the well-known TF-IDF, that considers hashtag relevancy, as well as data sparseness. Experiments on a large Twitter data set demonstrate that our method successfully yields relevant hashtags for user's interest and that recommendations more stable and reliable than ranking tags based on tweet content similarity. Our results show that HF-IHU can achieve over 30% hashtag recall when asked to identify the top 10 relevant hashtags for a particular tweet.