One-out-of-two Quantum Oblivious Transfer based on Nonorthogonal States

This research proposes the first one-out-of-two quantum oblivious transfer (QOT) scheme that does not have a two-level structure and is not subject to Lo’s no-go theorem. Instead, the proposed scheme is a simple and efficient approach based on nonorthogonal states. The nonorthogonality causes one of a pair of messages to be unable to be measured to achieve the irreversible goal of discarding a message, resulting in a one-out-of-two selection effect. The proposed QOT protocol is therefore built directly on quantum resources rather than on a two-level structure in which two classical keys must first be created using quantum resources (all-or-nothing QOT) and then a one-out-of-two protocol is built from there. Furthermore, the proposed protocol allows Alice and Bob to test each other’s loyalty by comparing measurement results. In addition, the relationship with the no-go theorem is discussed in detail; this relationship is often overlooked in other studies. A security analysis demonstrates that the proposed protocol is secure against both external and internal attacks. In addition, an efficiency analysis shows that the proposed protocol is more efficient than other, two-level-structured protocols.

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