2011 ESTCP Live Site Demonstrations, Marysville, CA. ESTCP MR-1165, Demonstration Data Report, Former Camp Beale, TEMTADS MP 2x2 Cart Survey

Abstract : The TEMTADS Man-Portable 2x2 sensor array was demonstrated at the former Camp Beale, CA during June 2011 as part of the ESTCP Live Site Demonstrations. New TEM sensors which replace the vertical-axis receive coils with triaxial receivers were used. Adding the horizontal receiver components improves the localization of the target. This system was designed to be deployable in areas inaccessible to vehicle-towed arrays. Data are collected at each target location while the cart is stopped, with an on-target collection time of approximately 1 minute. The data are inverted to determine the principal axis eddy current decay functions of the targets. Classification is based on comparing the eddy current decay functions for each target with those of the various munitions targets of interest at the site, as well as a variety of clutter items that are representative of the non-hazardous metal debris at the site. We report the classification performance results with the TEM array for roughly 900 unknown targets at the former Camp Beale.