Intramyocardial pressure gradients in working and nonworking isolated cat hearts.
This study presents an improved method for the measurement of intramyocardial pressure (IMP) using the servo-nulling mechanism. Glass micropipettes (20-24 microns OD) were used as transducers, coated to increase their mechanical resistance to breakage, and placed inside the left ventricular wall with a micropipette holder and manipulator. IMP was measured at the base of the left ventricle in working and nonworking isolated cat hearts that were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer. In working hearts a transmural gradient of systolic IMP oriented from endocardium toward the epicardium was found; the endocardial values for systolic IMP were slightly higher than systolic left ventricular pressure (LVP), by 11-18%. Increases in afterload induced increases in IMP, without changing the systolic IMP-to-LVP ratio. In nonworking hearts with drained left ventricles, the systolic transmural gradient for IMP described for working hearts persisted, but at lower values, and was directly dependent on coronary perfusion pressure. Systolic IMP-to-LVP ratios were always > 1. The diastolic IMP of both working and nonworking hearts exhibited irregular transmural gradients. Our results support the view that generated systolic IMP is largely independent of LVP development.