Ocean engineering science

Partial table of contents: WATER WAVES. Nonlinear Wave Theories (J. Fenton). Wave Transformation (P. Liu). Wave Forces on Cylindrical Piles (T. Sarpkaya). CIRCULATION AND MIXING. Shelf Circulation (A. Huyer). Nearshore Circulation (J. Battjes, et al.). Tidal-Current Boundary Layers (R. Soulsby). Mixing in Coastal Regions (G. Csanady). SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES. Seabed Boundary Layers (J. Sleath). Low-Frequency Changes in Sea Level and Their Possible Causes (T. Barnett). Beach Response to Sea Level Change (R. Dean). Wave-Seabed Interactions (C. Mei). METHODOLOGY AND SPECIAL PROBLEMS. Similitude (B. Le M haut?). Laboratory Wave Generation (T. Takayama). Numerical Modeling of Bay Circulation (J. Wang). Moored Ship Dynamics (G. van Oortmerssen). Combined Index.