Recently, materials undergoing a first-order magnetic transition (FOMT) near room temperature have attracted much attentions due to the possibility to use their large magnetocaloric effect (MCE) for magnetic refrigeration. Among them, the MnFe(P, X) (X = As, Ge, Si, B) family turns out to be one of the most promising due to the large isothermal entropy change ΔS, adiabatic temperature change ΔTad, a tunable Curie temperature (TC) and the practical advantages. Till now, most of the MCE studies on MnFe(P, X) focused on the intermediate magnetic field range (B ≤ 2T) as it is the most relevant field for applications. However, extending the field range of the MCE derivation is important from both fundamental and practical points of view. On one hand, it allows one to address the field dependence of the MCE quantities, the possible influence of the critical point, etc; On the other hand, high field ΔS or ΔTad data are useful for the optimization of the MCE at intermediate field. Indeed, at first glance, one can consider for FOMT that the ΔS or ΔTad will saturate above a given field value (B*(ΔS) or B*(ΔT)). The point is that in Giant-MCE materials, it might be advantageous to bring these B* (often at high field) as close as possible to the field used in application. Understanding the field dependence of ΔS, ΔTd and quantifying the B* in MnFe(P, X) is required for further optimizations.
K. K. Nielsen,et al.
Scaling and universality in magnetocaloric materials
V. Khovaylo,et al.
Thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric properties of metamagnetic Ni-Mn-In-Co Heusler alloy in magnetic fields up to 140 kOe
N. van Dijk,et al.
Taming the First‐Order Transition in Giant Magnetocaloric Materials
Advanced materials.
N. van Dijk,et al.
Direct measurement of the magnetocaloric effect in MnFe(P,X)(X = As, Ge, Si) materials
V. Franco,et al.
Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in materials with a second order phase transition: A master curve for the magnetic entropy change
K. Gschneidner,et al.
Thermodynamics of the magnetocaloric effect