Communication Efficient Algorithms for Generating Massive Networks

Massive complex systems are prevalent throughout all of our lives, from various biological systems as the human genome to technological networks such as Facebook or Twitter. Rapid advances in technology allow us to gather more and more data that is connected to these systems. Analyzing and extracting this huge amount of information is a crucial task for a variety of scientific disciplines. A common abstraction for handling complex systems are networks (graphs) made up of entities and their relationships. For example, we can represent wireless ad hoc networks in terms of nodes and their connections with each other. We then identify the nodes as vertices and their connections as edges between the vertices. This abstraction allows us to develop algorithms that are independent of the underlying domain. Designing algorithms for massive networks is a challenging task that requires thorough analysis and experimental evaluation. A major hurdle for this task is the scarcity of publicly available large-scale datasets. To approach this issue, we can make use of network generators [21]. These generators allow us to produce synthetic instances that exhibit properties found in many real-world networks. In this thesis we develop a set of novel graph generators that have a focus on scalability. In particular, we cover the classic Erdős-Rényi model, random geometric graphs and random hyperbolic graphs. These models represent different real-world systems, from the aforementioned wireless ad-hoc networks [40] to social networks [44]. We ensure scalability by making use of pseudorandomization via hash functions and redundant computations. The resulting network generators are communication agnostic, i.e. they require no communication. This allows us to generate massive instances of up to 2 vertices and 2 edges in less than 22 minutes on 32.768 processors. In addition to proving theoretical bounds for each generator, we perform an extensive experimental evaluation. We cover both their sequential performance, as well as scaling behavior. We are able to show that our algorithms are competitive to state-of-the-art implementations found in network analysis libraries. Additionally, our generators exhibit near optimal scaling behavior for large instances. Finally, we show that pseudorandomization has little to no measurable impact on the quality of our generated instances.

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