ENSC 110 (Energy in Perspective) Bibliography, Supplementary Reading

[1]  E. Chaisson Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature , 2001 .

[2]  W. Ophuls,et al.  Ecology and the Politics of Scarcity Revisited: The Unraveling of the American Dream , 1992 .

[3]  Vaclav Smil,et al.  Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties , 2005 .

[4]  J. Smerdon,et al.  Climate Change , 2009 .

[5]  Vaclav Smil,et al.  Energies: An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization , 1998 .

[6]  J. Diamond Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed , 2005 .

[7]  O. Juergensen The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It , 2010 .

[8]  M. YessicaBedoya,et al.  This time is different: eight centuries of financial folly , 2011 .

[9]  D. Pimentel,et al.  How many people can the earth support , 1997 .

[10]  I. Prigogine,et al.  Order out of chaos , 1984 .

[11]  Nate Silver,et al.  The signal and the noise : why so many predictions fail but some don't , 2012 .

[12]  Diana Wright,et al.  Thinking in systems: a primer , 2012 .

[13]  Barbara Freese Coal: A Human History , 2003 .

[14]  Juan Manuel Iranzo Amatriaín The limits to growth: the 30-year update , 2005 .

[15]  P. Pingali,et al.  Millenium Ecosystem Assessment: Ecosystems and human well-being , 2005 .

[16]  Franziska Wulf Crop Ecology Productivity And Management In Agricultural Systems , 2016 .

[17]  Walter Carl Hartwig,et al.  Life's solution: Inevitable humans in a lonely universe , 2004 .

[18]  Eric J. Chaisson,et al.  Energy in Nature and Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems , 2008 .

[19]  Michael W. Mehaffy,et al.  At Home In The Universe The Search For The Laws Of Self Organization And Complexity , 1996 .

[20]  T. Karl,et al.  Global climate change impacts in the United States. , 2009 .

[21]  M. Grunwald People Of The Earth An Introduction To World Prehistory , 2016 .

[22]  Rik Leemans,et al.  Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment , 2003 .

[23]  H. Daly Beyond Growth: The Economics of Sustainable Development , 1997 .

[24]  D. Bergandi,et al.  :Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World. , 2005 .

[25]  E. Phelps Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change , 2013 .

[26]  David J. C. MacKay Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air , 2008 .

[27]  V. Smil Prime Movers of Globalization: The History and Impact of Diesel Engines and Gas Turbines , 2010 .

[28]  P. Colinvaux Why Big Fierce Animals Are Rare , 1978 .

[29]  Anita Guerrini,et al.  Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth , 2009 .

[30]  Vlatko Vedral,et al.  Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information , 2010 .

[31]  H. S. Leff,et al.  Four Laws That Drive the Universe , 2007 .

[32]  Gordon Conway,et al.  The Doubly Green Revolution: Food for All in the 21st Century , 1999 .

[33]  Daniel Moran,et al.  Energy Security and Global Politics, The militarization of resource management , 2008 .