Analisis Resources Based View Dalam Strategi Menentukan Keunggulan Posisi Program Studi Magister Ilmu Hukum Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan

Currently, education competition is not only at the university level but it also reaches the level of study program. This shows that study program is a business unit of a university in creating the excellence of university. To increase the number of new students, a study program is required to have a strong appeal that the position of study program of a university becomes excellent. The purpose of this study was to test and analyze the factors influencing the position advantage of study program especially Magister of Legal Science Study Program, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan by focusing on the resources consisting of tangible resources (financial, organizational, physical and technological) and intangible resources (human being, innovation, reputation, and organizational culture) as well as capability (the plan for study program development, resources, academic quality, and cooperative support) of the study program to formulate the competitive position. The samples for this survey study were obtained through probability sampling technique. The data obtained were processed and analyzed through path analysis with the causal relationship structure between the variables of capability, tangible resources, intangible resources, competitive position, and position advantage . The result of this study showed that tangible and intangible resources of Magister of Legal Science Study Program, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan have been well prepared and the capability of the study program has also functioned well. The competitive position has offered the value of certain segment to the consumers, and the position advantage has shown (superior) differentiation of creation. The result of this study showed that capability, tangible resources, and intangible resources had a significant and positive influence on the competitive position; the position advantage had a significant and positive influence on the position advantage; tangible resources and intangible resources had a significant and positive influence on the position advantage.