ABSTRACT Li, J.; Wu, H.; Xu, T., and Lin, P., 2020. A double-transistor double primary–winding flyback converter for marine resources monitoring equipment. In: Liu, X. and Zhao, L. (eds.), Today's Modern Coastal Society: Technical and Sociological Aspects of Coastal Research. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 111, pp. 340–344. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. The DC bus power-supply mode is the most convenient for marine resources monitoring equipment, and secondary electric power supplies at power supply nodes are featured by a wide variation range of input voltage and high electromagnetic interference (EMI) requirements. A double-transistor double primary–winding flyback converter with wide input range, low EMI noise, and active auto-starting function was designed in this study. The main circuit of this converter solves the withstanding voltage problem of switching tube via series connection of double transistors under high-voltage condition. Through the intertexture structure of the double primary windings, the main transformer reduces the drain-source voltage spike of the switch and effectively mitigates the common-mode EMI noise at output end. The large starting circuit loss is solved, and the converter efficiency is improved under wide input range through the active auto-starting circuit. The experimental results show that when the bus node voltage varies within a wide range of 100 V–1000 V, the converter efficiency is always greater than 85%, and EMI performance is superior, thus satisfying the requirements of bus power-supply system.
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