National Identity and the Varieties of Capitalism: The Danish Experience

Contributors include Peter Abrahamson (University of Copenhagen), Peter A. Hall (Harvard), Ulf Hedetoft (University of Aalborg), Lars Bo Kaspersen (Copenhagen Business School), Peter J. Katzenstein (Cornell University), Morten Kelstrup (University of Copenhagen), Ove Korsgaard (Danish University of Education), Peer Hull Kristensen (Copenhagen Business School), Per Kongshj Madsen (University of Aalborg), Cathie Jo Martin (Boston University), Kevin H. O'Rourke (Trinity College Dublin), Uffe stergrd (University of Aarhus), and Hjalte Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen).

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[6]  Monica Oberg Ngwee Poverty and Social Exclusion in Britain: The Millennium Survey , 2007 .

[7]  F. Larsen,et al.  Implementing public employment policy: what happens when non-public agencies take over? , 2007 .

[8]  L. Hansen From Flexicurity to FlexicArity? Gendered perspectives on the Danish Model , 2007 .

[9]  Jørgen Anker Limits and Opportunities for Autonomous User Organisations in Denmark and Sweden , 2007 .

[10]  C. J. Kristensen Towards Two-tier Universalism? A Discussion of the Welfare Principle , 2007 .

[11]  A. Math Les familles pauvres sont-elles plus mal traitées en France ? Une comparaison des revenus minima garantis dans douze pays européens , 2007 .



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