Legal and Ethical Implications of GPS Vulnerabilities

The Global Positioning System (GPS) has slowly permeated into the civilian community and has become an essential accessory for the modern individual. Various commercial applications heavily rely on GPS technology. GPS has also started receiving attention in court cases, where it has been admissible as evidence leading to convictions or proving innocence. However, GPS is a radio-navigation system and is prone to vulnerabilities that may be introduced intentionally or unintentionally. The legal literature has not debated the possibility of human alteration of GPS data in judicial reasoning which raises the prospect of forged GPS data being presented to courts by individuals who have the motive and the technical knowledge to do so. By exposing the weaknesses present, this paper aims to draw the attention of the legal fraternity to these issues which may put the legal system in a dilemma as over-reliance on GPS technology may produce disastrous results, especially when innocence or guilt largely depends on GPS evidence.