Landsat-7 Long-Term Acquisition Plan Radiometry - Evolution Over Time

The Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus instrument has two selectable gains for each spectral band. In the acquisition plan, the gains were initially set to maximize the entropy in each scene. One unintended consequence of this strategy was that, at times, dense vegetation saturated band 4 and deserts saturated all bands. A revised strategy, based on a land-cover classification and sun angle thresholds, reduced saturation, but resulted in gain changes occurring within the same scene on multiple overpasses. As the gain changes cause some loss of data and difficulties for some ground processing systems, a procedure was devised to shift the gain changes to the nearest predicted cloudy scenes. The results are still not totally satisfactory as gain changes still impact some scenes and saturation still occurs, particularly in ephemerally snow-covered regions. A primary conclusion of our experience with variable gain on Landsat-7 is that such an approach should not be employed on future global monitoring missions.