Water protection against pollution
Science-policy integration is one of the many complex challenges that scientific and policy-making communities are facing. It involves knowledge sharing and exchanges among a wide range of disciplines and actors. In many instances, the lack of proper communication and of a coordination mechanism leads to research outputs not being used or simply known by policy-makers, and to policy research needs not being communicated to the scientific communities in a timely fashion. This paper discusses the integration of scientific and technological progress into the policy-making and implementation process, with emphasis on water policies. It highlights the need and complexity of developing a knowledge-based approach which would enable to lead to an operational science-policy interface linked to WISE (Water Information System for Europe), including the newly developed WISERTD webportal (http://www.wise-rtd.info/).
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[2] B. Schmitz. Europe and scientific and technological cooperation on water , 1994 .
[3] J. Zaldívar,et al. Science-policy integration needs in support of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive , 2005 .