The Visual-Audio Integrated Recognition Method for User Authentication System of Partner Robots

Some of noncontact biometric ways have been used for user authentication system of partner robots, such as visual-based recognition methods and speech recognition. However, the methods of visual-based recognition are sensitive to the light noise and speech recognition systems are perturbed to the acoustic environment and sound noise. Inspiring from the human's capability of compensating visual information (looking) with audio information (hearing), a visual-audio integrating method is proposed to deal with the disturbance of light noise and to improve the recognition accuracy. Combining with the PCA-based and 2DPCA-based face recognition, a two-stage speaker recognition algorithm is used to extract useful personal identity information from speech signals. With the statistic properties of visual background noise, the visual-audio integrating method is performed to draw the final decision. The proposed method is evaluated on a public visual-audio dataset VidTIMIT and a partner robot authentication system. The results verified the visual-audio integrating method can obtain satisfied recognition results with strong robustness.