Team Building for Implementation of Concurrent Engineering Loops

The essence of modern production is to make a product that a customer needs, as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Under these conditions, only a company that can provide customers with the right products, produced at the right time, at the right location, of required quality and at an acceptable price, can expect global market success. A product that is not produced in accordance with the wishes and requirements of customers, which hits the market too late and/or is too expensive, will not survive competitive pressure (Kusar et al., 2007; Dickman, 2009). The customer should therefore participate in the process of concurrent realisation of a product as early as possible (Starbek et al., 2003; Kusar et al., 2004) He can participate by expressing his wishes and requirements regarding project definition. The customer should be a temporary member of project teams in concurrent product realisation loops.