One-year outcome of a prospective trial stopping dual antiplatelet therapy at 3 months after everolimus-eluting cobalt-chromium stent implantation: ShortT and OPtimal duration of Dual AntiPlatelet Therapy after everolimus-eluting cobalt-chromium stent (STOPDAPT) trial
K. Tanabe | Takeshi Kimura | Y. Morino | T. Morimoto | H. Shiomi | K. Nakao | K. Kozuma | Masahiro Natsuaki | K. Kadota | Y. Furukawa | M. Abe | M. Akao | K. Hoshino | K. Igarashi | T. Ishikawa | K. Kawai | Masashi Yamamoto | S. Miki | K. Yunoki | H. Okada | Shogo Shimizu | Erika Yamamoto