The "schlieren PIV" technique combines schlieren or shadowgraph optics with particle image veloci- metry PIV equipment to measure the velocities of turbulent eddies in flows with sufficiently strong changes of the refrac- tive index without actual particle seeding. Prior work on this technique used direct laser illumination that produced inad- equate schlieren image quality due to coherent artifact noise and other problems. By way of a simple equipment modifi- cation, we show the white-light emission of a laser-induced air or argon breakdown to be an improved light source for schlieren and shadowgraph PIV. The Nd:YAG illumination used in standard PIV is converted to a white-light pulse by this means. High-quality schlieren images are obtained and measurements in a helium jet using this new approach com- pare well with previous data. The method is especially appli- cable to high-speed flows requiring time delays of 5 so r less between the images of a PIV pair. © 2006 Society of Photo-
Characterization of Schlieren Light Source Using Laser -Induced Optical Breakdown in Argon
C. G. Morgan.
Laser-induced breakdown of gases
Ronald J. Adrian,et al.
Visualization of blast waves created by exploding bridge wires
J. Vis..
G. Settles,et al.
Schlieren “PIV” for turbulent flows
L. Lourenço.
Particle Image Velocimetry
G. Settles.
Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques
ivanandan S. Harilal.
patial and temporal evolution of argon sparks
James E. Bayfield,et al.
Plasmas and laser light
D. Crosley,et al.
In uence of ambient conditions on the laser air spark
Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis.