Expression and Concomitant Mutation in p 53 Neuroectodermal Tumor Cell Lines after Loss of Large T Increased Oncogenicity of Subclones of SV 40 Large T-induced Updated

A model for medulloblastoma-like primitive neuroectodermal tumors was established in rat using retrovirally transduced SV40 large T antigen (LT) as an inducing agent (O. D. Wiestleret al., Brain Pathol., 2: 47–59, 1992). A cell line isolated from such a tumor and clonal derivatives thereof were biologically and molecularly characterized. In the parental tumor cell line, TZ870, which had been selected for G418 resistance, virtually all cells expressed LT and wild-type p53, which were complexed to each other. When plated in soft agar, these cells grew relatively slowly and formed disperse colonies. However, when grown without selection pressure, these cells reproducibly gave rise to LT-negative and G418-sensitive derivatives, LT-0 cells. Surprisingly, these latter cells exhibited a higher degree of malignancy bothin vitro, growing readily to large colonies in soft agar, and in vivo, where they gave rise to a rapidly growing malignant tumor. Clonal selection from TZ870 cells revealed two types of clones: in one type, LT expression was stably maintained, even without selection pressure, whereas the other type lost the LT coding sequences. All LTnegative clones exhibited the same phenotype as the LT-0 cells. Reexpression of LT had no effect. However, LT no longer formed complexes with p53, and p53 was metabolically stable, suggesting that it had been mutated. Sequence analyses and diagnostic restriction digests of the p53gene revealed that (a) both the parental LT-transformed cells and their derivatives contained only one completep53allele and (b) all LT-positive clones expressed wild-type p53, whereas all LT-negative clones expressed a mutant allele with a common mutation at Cys-1743Tyr, indicating their clonal origin. We assume that the loss of LT coding sequences is the consequence of the p53 mutation, perhaps by inducing genomic instability, and that both the p53 mutation and additional genetic alterations that accompany the loss of LT coding sequences might contribute to enhanced malignancy.

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