Hover in-ground-effect testing of a full-scale, tilt-nacelle V/STOL model

A full-scale, tilt-nacelle V/STOL aircraft model was tested in hover at the National Full Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC), NASA Ames Research Center. The model was powered by two TF-34 turbofan engines. It was tested at several ground heights and control deflections. Test technique and test setup were documented. Limited results show that: (1) a small change in control power with ground height was measured, and control power was found to be good over + or - 20 deg of horizontal vane deflection; (2) integrated fuselage undersurface pressures, when compared with the total model loads and measured thrust, defined the effect of the fountain and its related flow field on model forces and moments; and (3) there was no indication of hot gas ingestion during simulated takeoff in calm winds from wheels on deck ground height.