SLAC: A Sparsely Labeled Dataset for Action Classification and Localization

This paper describes a procedure for the creation of large-scale video datasets for action classification and localization from unconstrained, realistic web data. The scalability of the proposed procedure is demonstrated by building a novel video benchmark, named SLAC (Sparsely Labeled ACtions), consisting of over 520K untrimmed videos and 1.75M clip annotations spanning 200 action categories. Using our proposed framework, annotating a clip takes merely 8.8 seconds on average. This represents a saving in labeling time of over 95% compared to the traditional procedure of manual trimming and localization of actions. Our approach dramatically reduces the amount of human labeling by automatically identifying hard clips, i.e., clips that contain coherent actions but lead to prediction disagreement between action classifiers. A human annotator can disambiguate whether such a clip truly contains the hypothesized action in a handful of seconds, thus generating labels for highly informative samples at little cost. We show that our large-scale dataset can be used to effectively pre-train action recognition models, significantly improving final metrics on smaller-scale benchmarks after fine-tuning. On Kinetics, UCF-101 and HMDB-51, models pre-trained on SLAC outperform baselines trained from scratch, by 2.0%, 20.1% and 35.4% in top-1 accuracy, respectively when RGB input is used. Furthermore, we introduce a simple procedure that leverages the sparse labels in SLAC to pre-train action localization models. On THUMOS14 and ActivityNet-v1.3, our localization model improves the mAP of baseline model by 8.6% and 2.5%, respectively.

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