Paddyfield Moisture Information Acquisition System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

This paper provides a design scheme of paddyfield moisture information acquisition system (PMIAS) which is based on the wireless sensor networks. Firstly, a kind of wireless paddyfield moisture sensors is designed basing on frequency domain theory. And then a detailed design of system is described including the designs of acquisition system architecture, deployment topology, communication principles and application software which consist of three sub communication algorithms: acquisition command distribution, data returning and the clock synchronization. Soil moister Water measurement come bundled with water level in this system. The acquisition process supported active and inactive acquisition. In inactive acquisition, every node will acquire data actively and the data will be sent back to the server periodically; an active acquisition is query-based acquisition, in which users can freely acquire data from the selected node. In addition, a paddyfield moisture sensor network monitoring experiment has carried out in South China Agricultural University paddyfield. The experiment showed that the system could work reliably.