Separating Aortic Stenosis From Nornal Heart Decision Spaces Using a Quadratic Model
A wide variety of materials and chemicals are used in the deelopment, production, cleaning, packaging, sterilization and hipment of medical devices. Some of these materials are used in arge quantities and are often a source of waste. Some materials, uch as poly vinyl chloride PVC plastics, have toxicity concerns. dditionally, many chemicals including chlorinated solvents and thylene oxide are carcinogenic or highly toxic and can be detriental to the environment and public health. While the medical evice industry is highly regulated in the United States by the ood and Drug Administration, new green initiatives in the Euroean Union are modifying the regulatory oversight of chemicals, aterials, and their manufacture. In addition, hospitals are workng to reduce waste and pollution as part of their operations and re increasingly asking vendors to assist them. Minimizing waste nd pollution associated with medical devices can improve a comany’s environmental performance and save money. The primary ocus in medical device manufacturing is patient safety and comatibility. Environmental considerations, which can include poten-