History and Revolution: Refuting Revisionism
1. Introduction: History and revolution: Mike Haynes (University of Wolverhampton), and Jim Wolfreys (King's College London) 2. Radicalism and revisionism in the English Revolution: Geoff Kennedy (York University, Ontario) 3. Twilight revolution: Francois Furet and the manufacturing of consensus: Jim Wolfreys (King's College London) 4. The French Revolution: revolution of rights of man and citizen: Florence Gauthier (Universite Paris VII) 5. Grey masses and Jacobins in 1917: Mike Haynes (University of Wolverhampton) 6. Lenin's mistake: the Bolsheviks and the politics of the civil war: Lars Lih (independent scholar, Montreal). 7. Nazism and Communism. Re-readings of the twentieth century by Ernst Nolte, Francois Furet and Stephane Courtois: Enzo Traverso (Universite d'Amiens). 8. Communism, Nazism, colonialism, assessing the analogy: Marc Ferro (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales). 9. What produces democracy? Geoff Eley (University of Michigan) 10. Revolutions: great and still and silent: Daniel Bensaid (Universite Paris VIII).