Austroads Asphalt Deformation Trial: Dandenong Road

This report documents an asphalt deformation trial established over a 1200 m length of Dandenong Road in Melbourne. The trial aimed to validate the wheel tracking used in the Austroads mix design method. The trial involved the placement of seven mixes designed in accordance with the Austroads mix design method and one mix designed in accordance with the Marshall mix design method. All mixes comprised dense graded asphalt with a nominal size of 14 mm. None of the mixes have failed in the five years the trial has been in place and rutting has been less than anticipated. At the time of writing there was insufficient difference in the field rutting to divide the mixes into good, average and poor performers. Further monitoring of the trial should help in distinguishing between mix performance and this then can be related back to the laboratory wheel tracking test values. All mixes performed adequately over the life of the trial.