Effects of Visual Scene Complexity on Neural Signatures of Spatial Attention

Spatial selective attention greatly affects our processing of complex visual scenes, yet the way in which the brain selects relevant objects while suppressing irrelevant objects is still unclear. Evidence of these processes has been found using non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG). However, few studies have characterized these measures during attention to dynamic stimuli, and little is known regarding how these measures change with increased scene complexity. Here, we compared attentional modulation of the EEG N1 and alpha power (oscillations between 8–14 Hz) across three visual selective attention tasks. The tasks differed in the number of irrelevant stimuli presented, but all required sustained attention to the orientation trajectory of a lateralized stimulus. In scenes with few irrelevant stimuli, top-down control of spatial attention is associated with strong modulation of both the N1 and alpha power across parietal-occipital channels. In scenes with many irrelevant stimuli in both hemifields, however, top-down control is no longer represented by strong modulation of alpha power, and N1 amplitudes are overall weaker. These results suggest that as a scene becomes more complex, requiring suppression in both hemifields, the neural signatures of top-down control degrade, likely reflecting some limitation in EEG to represent this suppression.

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