Optimizing the coverage area of single frequency networks

The search for planning parameters and guidelines to optimize the single frequency networks (SFN) for the new radio media digital audio broadcasting (DAB) has just started. In addition to improving the coverage inside the SFN by considering the minimum wanted field strength and the self interference, the radiated power to the exterior is of great importance. The size of the coverage area is limited by the maximum allowed interfering field strength on other services. The calculation of the interfering field strength as part of the frequency allotment computation at the CEPT Planning Meeting was based on reference networks. For an effective design of the new single frequency networks the real transmitter parameters have to be considered and modified if necessary. This paper presents a method to optimize the power that is radiated beyond the defined coverage area of the SFN by using a deterministic wave propagation model. The result shows that the position of the test points plays an important role in the prediction of the interference.